Split form= 2 days*
Solar Flare= 2 days*
Destructo Disk= 3 days
Tri Shot= 4 days
Masenko= 4 days
Kamehameha= 5 days
Regeneration= 3 days*
Meditation(pl boosts only. training starting at 2,000 and doubles each day till you stop 10 day limit)*
Tri Form= 4 days*
Namekian Fusion(Nameks only)=4 days
Kienzen energy disk= 3 days
Freeza Beam= 4 days
Time Freeze= 4 days
Gyro Beam= 4 days
Raccoom Boom= 5 days*
Big Bang= 4 days
Controlled Ouzaro= 5 days
Moonlight Blast= 4 days
Fusion= 5 Days* (Saibamen with other Saibamen only)
Galit Gun= 5 days*
King Kai's(must be dead and good)
Kaioken= 5 days
Spirit Bomb= 6 days*
Hell (must be dead and evil)
Hell's Flash= 4 days
Laser Eyes= 4 days
Death Finger=5 days
Supreme Kai (dead or alive and must have permission)
Mystic training= 10 days gives you pl boost and moneys (only if you have not killed anyone)
Mystic Sword Training= 12 days (must have a mystic sword)
Evil Mystic Training= 14 days (must be evil or in ginyu force. The ginyu force automatically gets it when they join)
Specials(have to be granted to you by me)
(all moves take 1 week except rain blast takes 10 days)
Finish Buster, Ultimate Kamehameha*, Final Flash, Rain Blast, Freeza Bomb, Instant Transmission*, Special Beam Cannon, Dragon Fist*
Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Have to have my permission and on Earth. You and one other person can go in and train. Both of the pls double when they come out. one day
Dream Chamber
Have to have my permission and on Earth. You and 2 others go in for 2 days . Come out 100,000 pl higher and can learn one speciel .